Monday, March 16, 2009

Lupus Symptoms

Lupus(SLE) has a variety of symptoms. Everyone experiences different ones at different degrees. I can say, however, that no symptom is fun or easy. A lot of people with lupus look completely fine on a day to day basis and show no signs of ever having a life-threatening disease. On the outside, a lot of patients look normal except for a few rashes here and there, but on the inside, the immune system is attacking it's own body.

Imagine if you needed a transplant of some sort. Doctors have to go through lots of tests to make sure the organ you get is the right organ for you and your body will not reject it and destroy it. In a lupus patient, their body rejects it's own organs and destroys them. The problem is there is no when or why to lupus. There is no projected timeline of events. It is a day to day monitoring process. There is no cure to date. Medicines help to slow the process down and stop the immune system from attacking it's own cells, tissues, and organs, but in the process, as I've experienced, being on those medicines in return makes you more apt to catch a simple cold which turns to pneumonia fast. Here are a few pictures of some rashes - the typical one is the butterfly rash across the face.

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